Food and Drink photography / stop motion animation / event photography
Welcome to Work of the Week! This will be our new weekly update on what we've been up to recently, from our studio in Bristol, or out and about on location. We will show you some of our favourite, freshest content, as well as some behind the scenes stuff. So without further ado, here we go with WOTW#1.

We have been working with Double Dutch for a while now, they make top quality mixers & tonics. Paolo recently shot a beautiful range of low/no alcohol cocktails and mocktails, including the Zen Garden Spritzer, Sister's Sundown Spritzer and the Pineapple Mule.

Paolo has used all of his drinks photography superpowers to create some really bold, mouth watering pictures.
Meanwhile, Ben was busy putting together some awesome stop motions for Persona Clothing, creating content for their brand new dinosaur sock line - "Totally Rawrsome". Ben's stop motions are always playful and creative, an approach perfectly suited to dinosaurs and socks!

We all went a bit nuts for these next shots by Paolo, shooting for Whole Earth, to showcase their new squeezy ‘Drizzler’ peanut butter tubs (super smooth, golden roasted and chocolate). Personally, I want to try all three flavours on a variety of foods.

Last Thursday night, Paolo and Dan donned their tuxes to photograph the Bath Life Awards. It was a fantastic night and it made a nice change for both of them to get out and do some event photography in Bath.

There were so many great people there and it was a really brilliant showcase for some of the best of Bath's businesses, charities and enterprises. Congratulations to all the winners!

To see more of this kind of photography, be sure to check out our events gallery, food and drink gallery and product gallery
And get in touch today to book in your shoot